Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Welcome to DEA

Hey Guys,

Rick here, finally got the blog up and running.

Instead of focusing strictly on how to get a girlfriend, I'm making this blog about attraction in general. Most dating advice deals with the "how to" variety, but few talk about what to do when the "how to" goes wrong.

In this blog, I'm casting aside all formulas and giving you consistent, breakthrough information on the real reasons why women become attracted: a term I like to call 'Dominant Emotions'.

DE's are everywhere: beneath every smile ... every longing heart ... every outstreched arm. Trigger just one in a girl and her entire perspective of you changes. DE's are powerful stuff (their origins are traced back to direct marketers, who use them to sell millions of products in a short amount of time) yet very few men or women are even conscious of them, not to mention their benefits.

First post coming in a bit. Send all questions to GirlfriendGuide@gmail.com.


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